International Executive Secretary

Michael Woods

Michael Woods

Michael “Woody” Woods      

I was born and raised in Northern Indiana where I reside still today. I’m happily married to my lovely wife, Lisa “BoPeep” for 10 years, and I’m a proud father to one daughter and son-in-law, Ciara and Kayl Walton.

In my younger years, my uncle took me to his fire dept. where I fell in love with those big red trucks. Another uncle talked about his time in the Army and our family’s long history in service. My grandmother introduced me to riding a motorcycle at the age of 10 and all those influences, started me on the road to my lifelong dreams!

I joined the U.S. Army Infantry the summer I graduated from High school in 1992. I spent 3 years in active service and returned home to start a family. I remained in the Indiana Army National Guard for another 8 years where I was able to fulfill my calling by going to combat in Iraq from 2003 to 2004.

In the Spring of 1998, I was given the opportunity to join Rochester Fire Dept., as a Volunteer. Two years later I was hired to fill a career Firefighter position with RFD. I served as Training Capt. for 9 years. I also joined Henry Township Volunteer Fire Dept. where I served for 5 years, and Rochester Police Dept. as their Medical Officer serving as a S.W.A.T. Medic for 8 years. I’m still currently employed by the city and waiting for that magical day called retirement!  

I have been in a couple of different Motorcycle Clubs over the years and never felt like I was at home with them. My brother and I decided to look into the RKMC and I’m very thankful we did! In 2016, I had the honor to help reform IN 2 and become their first President. In 2018 my wife and I went to The Knights of the Round Table (KORT) in Tennessee. There I was crowned the 2018 Best Knight and brought the KORT Scepter back home to the Red Knights! In 2019 I was asked by our Regional Director to help start a state association and serve as the Interim State Rep. until we could formally charter an association.  In 2020 I helped with this formation and was elected their first President, where I still serve today.

The Red Knights MC has not just become a part of my life, but it has become my life! I look forward to every event so I can see my Friends and FAMILY! This organization has completed me and I thank you all for that!        

Michael Woods (IN 2)
1215 Washington St
Rochester, IN 46975
574- 835-1801

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