Members-At-Large – Online Application

This online application form allows you to apply for Member At Large membership without filling out the downloadable application. You are required to fill in all of the fields. When you press the submit button, the application will be sent to the Vice President. All of the information will be checked for accuracy and the Vice President will contact your immediate supervisor for verification of your information.

When your background check is completed and all the information is verified, the Vice President will send you an email that will contain the web address of the MAL dues page.

Any questions about your dues must be directed to the Treasurer at

If you have any questions regarding your MAL application please email the Red Knights Vice President.

Confirm Email

Have you ever been a member of the Red Knights?
If so, when and where (what chapter)?

Have you been convicted of a crime that has not been expunged?
No Yes
Please explain.


(*) answer is required 

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