RKIFMC Insurance Program
What is the RKIFMC Insurance Program?

Our Insurance Program is to help us protect our brothers, sisters, and patrons during our events.  This program has been designed for U.S.-based Clubs.  We offer affordable general liability protection for your club’s bike shows, meetings, rallies, and social functions.  While participating in your covered activities, the general liability coverage extends to your officers, members, and volunteers.  Excess liability limits are available.  The program automatically includes Products Liability (food or drink) and $1 million Commercial General Liability.  Legal Liability to Participants (LLP), which applies to motorized events and protects your club if it is found to be legally liable for a participant’s injuries, is included.  For your rallies, we can also provide general liability for officials, sponsors, advertisers, and any person or organization operating, managing, sanctioning, sponsoring, or providing the premises for your covered program.  Coverage is provided by a carrier rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best Company.

A step-by-step guide to securing insurance for your ride.


  1. Email the International Secretary your request for obtaining insurance for your ride. Include the following information:
    1. The anticipated number of attendees
    2. Estimated mileage
    3. Date and location of the event
  2. The International Secretary will then send you the information that is required to be obtained for the new insurance policy.  Required information is as follows: (These are new requirements due to a new insurance company)
    1. A written turn-by-turn route and map from Google Maps, Map Quest, or a similar program detailing the ride with the request for insurance coverage.

    2. Detailed itinerary of ALL event activities taking place before, during, and after the event (incl. vendors, inflatables, music, games etc.).

    3. Copy of any contracts entered into (if any).

    4. Exact names of other organizations requesting to be covered.

    5. Website and promotional flyers that will be used to advertise the event.

    6. The minimum age requirements for participation in each “wheels moving” event.

    7. If the event will have any stops/locations serving alcohol, please provide us with the controls that will be in place regarding alcohol consumption and the controls that no participants will be drinking and driving during the “wheels moving” portion of the event. As well as the controls that will be in place to ensure that no one who has been overserved will be driving. 

      1. We cannot offer insurance for any event where your Chapter is selling alcohol to those attending. There also must be monitoring of alcohol intake by professional servers and/or by the responsible Chapter anytime motor vehicles are involved in the event.

  3. Along with the information above, you will be advised of the amount of both checks to be written (one for deposit waiver and the other for the cost of the insurance itself.), whom to write them out to, and where to send them.

  1. Once all the required information and checks have been received, only then, will the application be sent to our underwriters for review.
  2. After the Insurance company approves the request you will be emailed the following:
    1. A digital copy of the “Certificate of Insurance” for your records
    2. A digital copy of all waiver forms for printing as needed:
      1. “Rally release and waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement”.
      2. “Parental consent, release, and waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement”.
      3. “Minor's assumption of risk and release and waiver of liability”.
    3. The original waivers must be returned, via mail within 30 days to the International Secretary and kept on file for seven years.
      1. If not returned to the International Secretary in the given time, your waiver deposit check will be deposited by RKIFMC, and restrictions will be applied to future requests for insurance. (See SOG 11:04 for more details)
K & K Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What coverages are available?
“Our basic plan offers general liability protection, with limits of $1 million. (Excess limits are available by request).  Legal l\Liability tp Participants, with coverage limits matching the General Liability, and Products Liability Protection (Food and Drink), are also included.”
2. When is the insurance effective?
“Your insurance will be effective when we’ve received your completed plan application and premium payment and approved the risk.  You should receive your coverage documents and all necessary supplies to administer your insurance program within 30 days of the effective date of your coverage.”
3. Do I need to notify you of club events?
“You should provide a schedule of events to K & K, but you do not need to notify us prior to each of your non-competitive events, such as business meetings and social functions.  However, competitive events, such as autocrosses, gymkhanas or rallies, and other public events operated by your club, such as parade participation and car shows are not included in the basic membership premium and require that you arrange for coverage of at least two weeks before the event.  Contact us for an event premium quotation and supplemental application.”  *The International Secretary is your contact for all your questions and needs.  Please do not contact K & K directly, they will refer you back to the International Secretary for all informational needs.

General Liability Insurance coverage
            The General Liability policy would provide annual membership liability coverage for US-based and Canadian-based sanctioned Red Knights Chapters. The “Membership Portion” of the policy would extend to the events included below. Any events outside of the annual membership coverage that clubs are sanctioning (IE: Poker Runs, Guided Rides, Events Open to the Public, Etc.) would need to be submitted and approved for event liability coverage to apply.

            The annual membership coverage is intended to cover events that are less than one day in length and that do not include non-members and/or anyone of the general public. Covered membership activities include business meetings and member-only social functions such as breakfasts, luncheons, dinners, picnics, dances, birthday party celebrations, and club anniversary celebrations or similar events. **Events that are not covered under the annual membership coverage include, but are not limited to, any events that are open to the public, car/truck shows, poker runs, rallies, guided tours, car washes, toy runs, autocross, gymkhana, slalom, time/speed/distance rallies, and any other events that include wheels moving activities or overnight camping.

SOGs that apply to the Insurance Program
11:02 Insurance for Events 
Associations and Chapters can apply to the International requesting that insurance coverage be provided for special fund-raising events to aid a Red Knights Member. This is to be a onetime request per member.  Revised 11/14/2014 Syracuse, NY
11:02A Red Knight Sanctioned Events
The International will pay for the insurance to cover any RKIFMC sanctioned event hosted by the International, Regional Associations or State/Provincial Associations that is a multi-chapter event.  The International will pay for one event per year for the Regional, State and Province Associations or for a one-time chapter event in states or province where there is not an Association. In the case where there is not an Association, the insurance will only be paid for a period of two years. The hosting Association shall request insurance from the International Secretary. Local Chapters can request insurance for benefits or events sponsored by the chapter. The cost of the Insurance will be paid by the Chapter(s) making the request.
Revised 11/14/2014 Syracuse, NY

11:03 Insurance Requirements for Events

A Chapter Officer from the Chapter sponsoring the event shall request and pay for the insurance from the International Secretary at least 30 days before the event. A waiver deposit of $50.00 must be sent to the International Secretary before any insurance will be ordered. See 11:03A below for additional information. The Secretary must receive the name of the location where the event is being held, the total number of miles for the ride, and the total number of anticipated people attending before the request can be given a price quote.  A group splitting off to go on their own ride that is not sponsored, organized or controlled by the insured won’t be covered under the policy. In addition, only those club events that are reported to and approved by the Insurance company are covered. The club could add some language to flyers and/or sign-in sheets that note the club’s insurance is only extended to the club’s organized ride route. “Any members wanting to deviate from the designated route are at their own risk.” The insurance company will note on the certificate the coverage applies to the event per the route on file. The only variations allowed by the Insurance Company are detours that the Chapter became aware of immediately preceding the run. Any Chapter or Association outside of North America will be responsible for their own insurance for events if needed.  Revised 11/14/2014 Syracuse, NY, Revised 11/14/2022 Email Vote.
11:03A Additional information for insurance request.
            The requirements for obtaining insurance are as follows:
  1. A written turn-by-turn route and map from Google Maps, Map Quest, or a similar program detailing the ride with the request for insurance coverage.
  2. Detailed itinerary of ALL event activities taking place before, during, and after the event (incl. vendors, inflatables, music, games etc.).
  3. Copy of any contracts entered into (if any).
  4. Exact names of other organizations requesting to be covered.
  5. Website and promotional flyers that will be used to advertise the event.
  6. The minimum age requirements for participation in each “wheels moving” event.
  7. If the event will have any stops/locations serving alcohol, please provide us with the controls that will be in place regarding alcohol consumption and the controls that no participants will be drinking and driving during the “wheels moving” portion of the event. As well as the controls that will be in place to ensure that no one who has been overserved will be driving. 
    1. We cannot offer insurance for any event where your Chapter is selling alcohol to those attending. There also must be monitoring of alcohol intake by professional servers and/or by the responsible Chapter anytime motor vehicles are involved in the event.
  8. Along with the information above, you will be advised of the amount of both checks to be written (one for deposit waiver and the other for the cost of the insurance itself.), whom to write them out to, and where to send them.

11:04 Waiver Charge
Due to the requirement from our insurance company that ALL waivers must be returned and maintained for a period of seven years and since there is a problem in getting the chapters to return the waivers after their event, a $50.00 waiver will be charged. The $50.00 waiver charge will be returned to the chapter after the waivers are returned to the Executive Secretary. Any chapter failing to return the waiver forms to the international secretary within 30 days of their scheduled event shall forfeit the $50.00 deposit they have placed on the waivers. They will also have to deposit $100.00 the next time they apply for insurance. Should the Chapter fail to return the waiver forms within the allotted 30 days a second time this action will disqualify them from insurance coverage for two years. Revised 11/14/2014 Syracuse, NY

Michael “Woody” Woods
International Secretary


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