Nominations for the 2024 Perry Carter Award are now being accepted.
If you have a member that you would like to nominate for this prestigious award.
Please see the SOG listed at the end of this page for how to submit your nomination
before the March 1st deadline.
This year's Committee Chair is Region 4 Director Chuck Marks
Perry Carter Award Recipients
2022 Ken May (NJ-19)
2021 Rick Oliver (MA-2)
2020 Andrew Young (Australia-6)
2019 Michael Brigati (VA-8)
2017 Colin Nelson (NH-9)
2016 Keith Matlock (NJ-5)
2011 Steve Guillot (LA-1)
2010 Brian Sames (PA-12)
2008 John O’Hagan (CT-2 Deceased)
2007 Tom Cooke (IN-1 Deceased)
2006 Mark Kerr (CT-2)
2005 John Rucinski (NY-12)
SOG 13:01 RKMC of the Year, Goal of the Award It is the goal of the Red Knights International Firefighter Motorcycle Club to identify and honor a member each year as the Red Knight of the Year. This award will be known as the “Perry Carter Award,” honoring Perry for his endless work and dedication to the Red Knights Motorcycle Club. Only an active member in good standing with the International may be eligible for this award. This is to include the Members at Large. Any member may nominate any Member at Large. This nomination would follow the same path as listed below. Current members of the International Board are not eligible for the Perry Carter Award. Each Chapter may nominate a member for the Red Knight of the Year. The nomination would be sent to the State/Provincial Representative and then to the Regional Director. Each Regional Director would then forward their nominee to the Chairperson for this award. The committee will consist of the Regional Directors and the past two recipients. The chairperson will be a Regional Director, on a rotating basis, commencing with Region 1 in 2013. Members who are nominated should have been present at 50% of the Red Knights Motorcycle Club chapter events during the year. The member nominated should have visited at least one other Chapter during the year. The 26 members nominated should have attended at least one International Annual Convention in the past. The Member nominated should represent and signify the Red Knight’s standard in their dealings with the public and the International members. The deadline for receiving the nomination shall be prior to March 1st of each year . The final decision will be made at the Spring Board meeting each year. All members of this committee will be notified of the names and information that have been submitted to receive this award. They are to review those names and information on why they were nominated and submit their choice in order of first, second, and third to the Committee Chairperson, no later than 14 days before the Spring International Board Meeting. Once the Committee has made its decision, the Committee Chair will advise the International President. The recipient of this award shall receive recognition and their registration fee for the year they are receiving the award to be paid by the RKIFMC. The recipient shall receive a 4” upper arch patch. The International president shall send a letter to the Chapter President of the member’s chapter who wins this award notifying him of the winner. At the International Annual Convention, the International President shall have all of the members from the winner’s chapter come up for the presentation.
Approved 11/13/2004 at Board Meeting, Syracuse, N.Y. Revise 11/19/2005 Board Meeting, Syracuse, N.Y. Revised 8/09/2006 at Board Meeting, NYC Revise 4/19/2013 Board Meeting Syracuse, NY Revise 4/25/2013 Board Meeting Syracuse, NY Revised 11/14/2014 Syracuse, NY
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